The Sheila Snow Fraser Essiac Archive
Compiled by Mali Klein, Custodian 2005 - 2019Mali Klein Witness Statement
Flash keys Collectors Edition 1-45 Collated, prepared and issued by Mali Klein, January 2020

Catalogue of Contents
Case Histories - Quick Links
1. Bracebridge Cancer Clinic
1935 – 1941
2. Cancer Commission Hearings 1939
February/July Hearings + exhibits
3. Case Histories
Bracebridge Clinic Case History Books 1-6
Patient Questionnaires, Case Histories 1936-2019
4. Correspondence
Brusch, MSKCC, Walde, Gyatt, Snow & Klein, McPherson
5. Essiac/Black Root Medicine
History, 1977 Paper, Rene Caisse statements, Mary McPherson Affidavit + handwritten Essiac, RMC Salve & Solution formulae, letters, articles, Mali Klein Geneva presentation 2019
‘Could Essiac Halt Cancer?’ ENG/FR editions, X3 updates, correspondence
7. Legal Documents
Various, 1938-1935, ‘Last Will and Testament of Rene M. Caisse McGaughey’
8. Newspaper Clippings
x58, 1937 – 2004
9. Obituaries
Rene Caisse, Dr. Matthew Dymond, Moke Eaglefeathers
10. Products/Politics
Resperin Corporation, Easy-ac, Gary Glum – ‘Calling of an Angel’, Flor-essence
11. Publications
1922 – 2003, including ‘Old Ontario Remedies’, Sheila Snow, 1992
12. R.M.C. Kidney Remedy
Labels, patent application and renewals
13. Rene Caisse (McGaughey)
‘I was Canada’s Cancer Nurse,’ Rene M Caisse, 1963, CBC Interview, 1977, documentary, Detroit Convention, 1978, Rene Caisse, Key to a Personality
14. Sheila Snow
Diary, autobiographical notes, 1977-78, ‘The Essence of Essiac,’ correspondence, 1992-1977
15. Audio Files
Timeline, Index, Audio Files 1976 – 1995
16. Gallery
Herbs, People
17. Movie Clips, Ontario 1997
Mali Klein interviewing Shelia Snow, Mary McPherson, Arnold Mahon, Jean Inglis, colon cancer patient
18. The Archive Continues
The Archive continues with further case histories and information from people’s contributions.
'... No one can stop anyone picking some herbs and turning them into a tea.' .......... Mali Klein, 'The Essiac Essentials Handbook', English, French, Spanish, German editions, 2017 Find Out MoreFrequently Asked Essiac Questions
Questions of general interest are always welcome for consideration.
Please note: The Essiac Council does not give advice on the management of either personal or general health conditions. If you have a medical condition you should consult your doctor.
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Debra Carey
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