Mali Klein
Founder – World Citizen
Mali is founder of Clouds Trust, UK Charity Commission number: 1064289; Custodian and Collator of The Sheila Snow Fraser Essiac Archive, 2005–2019; member of The Society of Authors (SOA) UK, ID: 20688; co-author with Sheila Snow of ‘Essiac Essentials’, 1999, ‘Essiac, The Secrets of Rene Caisse’s Herbal Pharmacy’, 2001, ‘The Complete Essiac Essentials’, 2011; author, ‘The Essiac Book’ 2006, ‘Black Root Medicine, The Original Native American Formula’, 2014, ‘The Essiac Essentials Handbook’, 2017 (translated into French, Spanish, German),
‘A Dangerous Sweetness, Love and War,’ autobiographical, 2017.
Passionate about the planet and combat veterans’ reintegration into civilian life, Mali supports 4Ocean,, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF).
‘You never forget a cancer diagnosis, particularly when it’s terminal, the words most often spoken by a stranger, the tiny details your attention fixes upon as you try to assimilate what you are hearing. My husband Greg and I knew what it was to be in that apparently no choice, no win situation. For everyone who has heard those words and for Mary McPherson and Sheila Snow who trusted me to fulfil their dream of seeing the best quality Essiac made available around the planet, I can only say I have done my best.’
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